$ 257.21
TubeRed is one of the leading performers on sousaphone. The TubaRed Mouthpiece allows Power, Control, Response, and Clarity for all musical situations. Brass band to the Superbowl this mouthpiece is for players at all levels and all musical settings who want to fire up their sound. -TubaRed
$ 44.03
龙的呼吸 Dragons呼吸是您订购的任何Giddings口的令人惊叹的补充。您必须订购GIDDINGS喉舌,也可以添加龙呼吸。龙呼吸使关节快递!和投射甚至更容易。通过热处理材料,我们使每个吹嘴均更越亮25%。热处理增加了喉舌上完全独特的美丽金,蓝色,棕褐色和紫色。由于天气和热量的变化,每次饰面都略有不同。添加Dragons呼吸并获得更快的铰接和项目,更好的声音,更好地控制和更少的努力。饰面将随着时间的推移而变化,但声音的硬度和清晰度将永远持续下去。 霜冻将是金色和深灰色 缎面将是棕褐色的,蓝色和紫色 抛光是蓝色和紫色