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Seiji Nakazawa Tenor Trombone Mouthpiece

Giddings Mouthpieces


Size Guide

Tenor Trombone

Tenor Trombone Rim Diameter Throat Cup Depth Rim Width
NB-100 1 0.278 1.005 0.25
GW-100 1 0.282 1.175 0.25
Sonny Ausman 1.008 0.264 1.15 0.285
Euros 1.008 0.282 1.09 0.242
Boreas 1.008 0.283 1.115 0.242
NB-101 1.01 0.276 1.005 0.25
GW-101 1.01 0.276 1.18 0.25
Seiji Nakazawa 1.015 0.234 1.005 0.25
Kadja 1.012 0.285 1.245 0.245
SA-100 1.02 0.26 1.14 0.235
NB-102 1.02 0.276 1.005 0.25
Gianluca Scipioni 1.0202 0.282/263 1.28 0.2756
GW-102 1.02 0.281 1.185 0.25
DJNV 1.02 0.272 1.029 0.265
Carbonaria 1.021 0.3 1.275 0.265
Joe Jefferson 1.022 0.263 1.24 0.263
E-1 1.027 0.281 1.004 0.27
EXL 1.027 0.290 1.004 0.27
GW-103 1.03 0.284 1.185 0.25
DHWA-E 1.032 0.288 1.255 0.272
DHWA-S 1.032 0.288 1.195 0.272
TZ-103 1.035 0.279 1.025 0.235
Domingo Pagliuca 1.038 0.285 1.133 0.2756
E-2 1.045 0.28 1.035 0.255
Ron Wilkins 1.063 0.282 1.002 0.255

The Seiji Nakazawa Signature Model mouthpiece is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a mouthpiece that is well balanced, articulate, with a beautiful centered core, and smaller more refined backbore. Based on a 6 Al size cup with a larger inner rim, but with a tighter backbore for improved endurance and easier phrasing.



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