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Ron Wilkins Signature Small Bore Tenor Trombone Mouthpiece

Giddings Mouthpieces


Size Guide

Small Bore Trombone

Small Bore Trombone Rim Diameter Throat Cup Depth Rim Width
Reggie Young 0.954 0.236 1.035 0.275
GWC-958 0.958 0.232 .884 0.272
Bacchus 0.992 0.231 0.83 0.255
Chocolatero 0.96 0.231 0.895 0.275
Barber 0.975 0.231 0.935 0.268
Chubasco 0.985 0.231 0.965 0.257
Ron Wilkins 0.997 0.232 0.945 0.262
GWC-100 1 0.23 0.945 0.265
Harry Watters 1 0.259 0.975 0.277
GWC-101 1.01 0.232 0.925 0.275
Joseph Jefferson 1.012 0.263 1.15 0.261
Size Guide

Tenor Trombone

Tenor Trombone Rim Diameter Throat Cup Depth Rim Width
NB-100 1 0.278 1.005 0.25
GW-100 1 0.282 1.175 0.25
Sonny Ausman 1.008 0.264 1.15 0.285
Euros 1.008 0.282 1.09 0.242
Boreas 1.008 0.283 1.115 0.242
NB-101 1.01 0.276 1.005 0.25
GW-101 1.01 0.276 1.18 0.25
Seiji Nakazawa 1.015 0.234 1.005 0.25
Kadja 1.012 0.285 1.245 0.245
SA-100 1.02 0.26 1.14 0.235
NB-102 1.02 0.276 1.005 0.25
Gianluca Scipioni 1.0202 0.282/263 1.28 0.2756
GW-102 1.02 0.281 1.185 0.25
DJNV 1.02 0.272 1.029 0.265
Carbonaria 1.021 0.3 1.275 0.265
Joe Jefferson 1.022 0.263 1.24 0.263
E-1 1.027 0.281 1.004 0.27
EXL 1.027 0.290 1.004 0.27
GW-103 1.03 0.284 1.185 0.25
DHWA-E 1.032 0.288 1.255 0.272
DHWA-S 1.032 0.288 1.195 0.272
TZ-103 1.035 0.279 1.025 0.235
Domingo Pagliuca 1.038 0.285 1.133 0.2756
E-2 1.045 0.28 1.035 0.255
Ron Wilkins 1.063 0.282 1.002 0.255
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With a standard inner rim diameter of .997 and a medium shallow cup depth This mouthpiece is easy to control, very flexible, and provides punch and power.  






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